Tag Archives: blogs

I Wonder If Dorothy Parker Ever Felt This Way…

Well, likely not. It’s one in the afternoon, I’m awake and sober. All due respect to Mrs. Parker, I don’t believe the woman believed in mornings. Or sobriety. But I do wonder if she ever felt frustrated, restless, scared and breathless all at the same time…waiting for something to happen, worrying that it will…

There is a rhythm and flow to writing; a natural progression in which all the words just spew themselves from fingers to keyboard, bypassing the brain. Which explains why the ramblings are so damn disconnected. But the flow’s been interrupted the past week or so. Lately it feels like work, which is most distressing. Maybe if I drink alot and sleep in. I’m already acerbic and bad tempered. I could start insulting politicians. Oh, wait. I already do that.

I think what is really needed is a reset. Something unpleasant and soul destroying that will make me appreciate what I have and embrace life more fully. Maybe I’ll attend a Republican Ladies’ lunch. They’re lobbying to get ex-President Bush to speak at one of their fundraisers here in Dallas. My god, I think I’ve sufficiently horrified myself just with the thought. I’ll find inspiration. Just please do not make me spend time with those soulless stepford women.

Okay. Up and out of bed, laptop off. I will be back later, hopefully with something interesting to say.

What I Want For Christmas: A Very Palin Wish

If I were suddenly confronted with the ghost of Christmas Present (always loved the implicit pun) and granted three wishes….wait, is that just for genies?… as soon as I convinced myself that I was not hallucinating, I’d tell him that I have only one wish: MAKE SARAH PALIN GO AWAY!!!

The only thing more distressing than putting up with Caribou Barbie is putting up with her frothing racist homophobe fundie fans. The Huff has a story up today about the new website erected in her honor. It isn’t just worrisome, it’s downright disgusting. This is the new face of conservativism? Some choice quotes from posters include:

When a blogger named James asks if anybody has bought the new Obama coins, SavantNoir responds: “[Y]es James, and i melted it down to see the look of agnoy on his face, made it a BB pellet and shot it into a pile of shit.”On one blog Heather describes Election Day as the “most terrible” in history and asks “how long until obama is shot??????” Josie responds: “There are plenty of people that would like to see Obama end that way.”

And about our new first lady?

Ava M: I have never actually HATED anyone in politics before now….She is stupid, mean, power hungry, manipulative, corrupt, essentially ignorant–a poster girl for Institutionalized Black Racism and Agression, a take-no-prisoners warrior for Political Correctnes aka Socialist Realism and a racially driven Communist fellow traveller. Let her go run an African country. She doesn’t fit in here with the American People.

I’m speechless. These are Christians, then? Christian sentiments? Michelle Obama IS American. She was born and raised here. She worked hard to get where she is. What is WRONG with you people? If anything, Michelle Obama has exhibited every trait Republicans insist Americans SHOULD exhibit: Hard work, dedication to her family and support of her husband. But because there’s a D after that husband’s name, she must be a “racially driven Communist”?

Conservatives, moderates, Fiscal Republicans, I have said it before, and I will say it again: It is time you took your party back. The nation needs the conservative party like a car needs a good set of brakes, to rein in the excesses of Dems. If you do not do this and do it soon, your party is doomed to be no longer the Grand Old Party, but God’s Own Party, fueled by hate and ignorance and directed by extremists like Sarah Palin. For the sake of all you hold dear… drop her and drop her now.

Alphainventions and the Blogosphere

So I had no idea until a couple days ago there was this thing called Alphainventions. I have no idea how they do it (that’s me; total coding moron. Hey. If I was meant to be more than semi-computer literate, I wouldn’t be shacked up with a brilliant network admin.), but it imports new posts from all over the blogosphere and shows them for a brief period…just long enough to decide whether or not you want to read it…and then allows you to follow a link to the blog. Quite cool. Anyway, thanks awfully; my traffic has seen a jump. Something to be pleased about after a 2 month hiatus. 🙂

Death of a Blog

It’s always distressing to see it happen. You sign in, you blog a bit, you hit a few links on your blog roll…and it happens. You get a page saying “the author has deleted this blog.” Puts you off your stride some.

I was more than a little disappointed to find that one of my favorite blogs, Odder Stories, had been deleted. There had been no lead up post saying it was about to be deleted, it just wasn’t there anymore.  

I always wonder about the reasoning behind it. There aren’t many who actually bother to say why. One exception is Skepdude, one of my favorite bloggers, who kindly went out of his way to say that he just didnt feel he adds anything original to the blogosphere. I realize this is entirely a subjective opinion, but I disagree. He may not have been saying anything different per se, but his approach was extremely fresh. Intelligent humor combined with calm reason are in short supply here on the web, so I hope that at some point, he’ll start writing again.

 I think it’s easy to become frustrated. Blogs don’t get the kind of traffic we’d like them to have, we start reading through some of our posts with a critical eye, thinking….”does anyone actually care about this dreck I’m spitting out?” and we start to wonder if it’s really wirth the effort. My unequivocal response to that angst ridden question is YES. I started a blog not to get traffic or get recognized or get discovered….I started it to write. Isn’t that the reason most blogs are started? Because we believe we have something to say. It’s not always popular or pretty or even well expressed. And sometimes, it’s just to say it to one person. But it is always worth it.